43365 SIERRA DRIVE | THREE RIVERS, CA 93271 | 559-561-4413
Frequently Asked Questions
When is the rafting season?
Our trips are offered every day during the season, rain or shine. Typically mid-March to late-June/early July in normal snowpack seasons. The season length varies based upon the amount of snow pack. Seasons have ended as early as late May and as late as mid August.
Where to meet?
Our trips meet at the Three Rivers Hideaway located at 43365 Sierra Dr. Three Rivers, CA. Please check-in at the office 15 minutes prior to your trip meeting time.
What does Sequoia Adventures provide?
Sequoia Adventures provides SOTAR self-bailing rafts which carry 2-6 guests; A US Coastguard-approved Type V personal floatation device; helmet and paddle. For spring season and inclement weather we also provide wetsuits and paddlejackets. All equipment is cleaned, maintained and inspected on a daily basis.
What should I bring?
For rafting trips in the Spring you will need: shorts or bathing suit, fleece, polypropylene, lycra or wool top and bottom to be worn under wetsuit and paddle jacket (which we will provide if needed), fleece or wool socks, lace-up tennis shoes or river sandals. Your footwear must lace, fasten or buckle. NO flip flops or slip-on water shoes. Important note: NO cotton. Cotton absorbs the water and has no insulative qualities. Synthetic fiber clothing only. They do not absorb water and also help to keep you warm in a wet environment.
For rafting trips in the Summer you will need: shorts or bathing suit, lace-up tennis shoes or river sandals. No flip flops or slip-on water shoes.
Additional items to bring: any necessary medications, water bottle, sunscreen. Optional: chap stick, waterproof camera, energy bar, hat, sunglasses.
What do I do with my valuables?
Please do not bring valuables, purses, wallets, keys, jewelry and non-waterproof phones and cameras on the river. All valuables should be left in your vehicle. The trip leader will provide a lock box for your car keys that will be kept in a safe place while you are on your trip. Each raft will have a small dry bag to keep small personal items such as waterproof camera, sunscreen etc. available during your trip. Important note: Dry bags are not guaranteed to keep your personal items dry.
What is expected of me during my rafting trip?
After checking in with your trip leader and receiving equipment you will be given safety briefing and orientation. You will then be assigned to a raft and meet your guide. Your guide will go over your placement in the raft and his/her commands for maneuvering of the raft. All guests are required to paddle in order to power and maneuver raft. Special accommodations can be arranged for handicapped or physically challenged guests.
Do I need previous experience?
Previous experience for class III and IV is not required although individuals should be fit and active for the more difficult sections.
Previous experience is required for high water class IV and all class V trips.
Do I need to know how to swim?
Swimming ability is not necessary for class II - III trips, although it is strongly recommended. Swimming ability is required for all class IV and V trips.
Is transportation provided?
Sequoia Adventures will provide all transportation from the meeting place to the river and from the river back to the meeting place.
How many to a raft?
Our SOTAR self-bailing rafts hold up to 7 guests and a guide on introductory trips and 6 guests and a guide on all other trips. We need a minimum of 2 guests to paddle a raft.
Is lunch provided?
We do not provide meal service. You may bring your own food or purchase some nearby to enjoy by the river here, before or after your trip.
Do I tip my guide?
Although our guides are compensated for your trip, for an exceptional job tips are appreciated.